Our Pink Coat Year-Round Membership!

Don’t struggle alone.
Become the woman and physician you want to be with one easy step!
Earn Unlimited AMA PRA Category 1 CME Credits with Each Membership!
Pink Coat, MD members experience significantly decreased burnout and more joy within 12 months of their membership.
If you don’t love it within 30 days – it’s on us!
We’ve helped countless women physicians thrive – we can help you too!
The data is in:
Pink Coat, MD members who have been with us for > 12 months experience a 39% reduction of their Mayo Well-Being Index High Distress Score, a significant reduction in physician burnout. Our membership works!
See what our physician members are saying:
“It’s hard to know where to start to describe how much I have learned from and grown through my involvement with Pink Coat, MD. I learned throughout my training that you had to have support in many forms, but once I became an attending I found I still needed that support. There are new challenges and changes that take place after you make the transition, and Pink Coat, MD really gives you the tools at any stage of training to deal with our very difficult but rewarding field. Having a community of similarly experienced women of all life stages in medicine really provides the support that I feel so many would benefit from. I’m grateful and plan to keep learning and growing with this awesome group.”
– Sarah Walker, MD
“I was lucky enough to stumble across Pink Coat, MD a year ago after getting an email from a friend about a program that her yoga instructor was involved in. I tried a free session and was immediately sold! I have participated in their programs ever since and have met some wonderful women physicians from around the country! Terms that were foreign to me such as Mindful Self-compassion, have been incorporated into my practice of medicine. I wish I had learned some of these techniques years ago to help with my practice and when my son was younger, to help me be a calmer parent. It’s so amazing how simple techniques such as breathing or taking a short walk can help relieve stress and agitation.”
– Joan Burg, MD
“The parent coaching ALONE is worth the cost of membership. I have learned about mindful self-compassion this year and this has been life changing for my mental well-being and energy. These resources are vetted and actually WORK. While we clearly don’t have ALL the answers for the struggles we face at work, this is a community of women physicians that are thoughtful, kind, courageous, intelligent, supportive.”
– Liz Berdan, MD
“I joined Pink Coat, MD to support the founders whom I respect for so many reasons, and I did not realize that I would expand my personal support system so vastly by joining. The other women in medicine I got to meet during the sessions are now a circle of professional and personal inspirations and support. And the meditation and compassionate care strategies I learned have helped me support myself better – to be at peace, to feel less pain, to love more. I look forward to more sessions to expand my skills in leadership as well. I would want all my colleagues in medicine to have access to what Pink Coat, MD is offering!”
– Bonnie W. Lau, MD, PhD
“My participation in Pink Coat, MD has opened up my eyes to gender inequality and implicit bias in medicine that I have long felt and suspected but have not explicitly discussed before. Pink Coat, MD has inspired me to help change that double standard, and it has empowered me to start seeking small achievable changes within my own organization. The support of having an organization like Pink Coat, MD, behind me, and a network of women physicians beside me, has made me comfortable to start speaking up and confident to start pursuing leadership roles myself. I’m so grateful for the resources and inspiration from Pink Coat, MD.”
– Jennifer Barkeley, MD
“The (Pink Coat) retreat was re-energizing and healing spending time with such positive and amazing women. The ability to share an experience with and feel the support from those who truly understand what its like to be a female physician is life changing. The retreat along with all the other learning and connection opportunities Pink Coat MD creates for us are priceless.”
– Anne Marie Wong, MD
“Pink Coat, MD has been a ray of light in a very dark year. Pink Coat gave me a path and energy to achieve so many goals!”
– Special Annual Intentions Event Participant
“It’s comforting to know I am not alone as a female physician.”
– Women Physician Empowerment Participant