Dr. Tammie’s Book of the Month December 2024: Your Money or Your Life by Vicki Robin & Joe Dominguez

December 2024 Dr. Tammie’s Book of the Month
Your Money or Your Life: 9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence By Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez
As we wind down 2024 and start to turn the page into a New Year, this time naturally asks us to pause, reflect, and create the chance to begin anew.
This book has changed my life. Reading it again now as 2024 comes to a close has helped me to grow and find clarity in a new way that I have needed for a very long time. I have made so many mistakes with money throughout my adult life, and I have struggled to make meaningful, long-term, lasting change. This book has inspired me to commit to making a real change for good.
I urge you to read it if you haven’t yet! If you read no other books on money, read this one.
Dr. Yashoda Bhaskar, my dear friend, an internal and obesity medicine physician, and money and life coach, introduced me to Your Money or Your Life by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez several years ago. This year we brought the powerful concepts in this book to our Pink Coat Community with a 10-week group coaching program based on this book.
Money is one of those topics that we especially as women feel super uncomfortable talking about – which is why we sought to dedicate our fall Group Coaching Program this year to our Relationship with Money as Women Physicians!
Your Money or Your Life was first published in 1992, one of the first during the emergence of the FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) movement and updated with a second edition in 2018.
What I love most about this book is that it normalizes what a difficult relationship most of us have with money, regardless of our age and our gender- and helps us to think about our life, career, and money in a much more holistic way than most books on finances. Vicki Robin serves up some humorous tough love when she shows us how to calculate our “Real Hourly Wage” – our actual hourly wage minus the expenses and life energy consumed to maintain our jobs and work. She then asks us “So! Are you making a living? Or are you making a dying???”
Pretty blunt, brutally honest, and totally on point.
This book forces us to re-evaluate our relationship with not only money – but also work, paid or unpaid, and life. We are forced to evaluate how we are spending our life energy – our precious minutes, hours, days and weeks on Earth. And that we get to choose how we use our life energy. This book in all honesty is not really about money – it’s really about life. And for this, I am deeply grateful to Dr. Yashoda for having introduced me to this book years ago and bringing it back into our lives again this year.
Put this on your reading list!!!
With all my love and belief in you,