Our Four-Year Pink Coat, MD Journey By Tammie Chang & Luisa Duran

We smile when we remember the women we were, only four years ago, when the idea for Pink Coat, MD was born. We shared in our September newsletter how Pink Coat, MD came to be, how after losing touch as lifelong friends and reconnecting after rising from our lowest points, and how we both had a deep fire to help other women physicians like us. In Pink Coat, MD we ultimately created what we most needed when were in our darkest times – to help our fellow women physicians rise from their struggles with burnout, to thrive in their lives and careers alongside an unconditionally loving community, and to carry on our legacy as women physicians in medicine for future generations to come.

When we reflect on our journey the last four years, we not only see how far we have come as Pink Coat, MD, but also in our own personal growth. Today we are not the same women we were four years ago. In fact, we are more ourselves and who we really are, than we have ever been in our lives. Today, we feel more at peace with our own way of being– and how we can use our innate gifts as loving, compassionate, and joyful human beings– to serve the world.

What started out as a dream, slowly became a reality. We remember the early days, when we learned how to do everything – as complete online, social media and business novices– and did everything ourselves, often with much agony and stress, saying “someday we will hire wonderful women to work with us and help us with all of this!” And today, we have Kelleigh our incredible executive assistant, and Rachel our amazing marketing manager, who do just this.

We remember saying, “someday we are going to have a special get-together with our Pink Coat women in person!” and even though this seemed so far off as the Covid pandemic soldiered on – our dream came true this past June, with our joyful, rejuvenating, healing, and soul-filling retreat at Canyon Ranch Woodside together.

We remember saying, “someday we will write a book together on all we have learned and wish we could share with others!” And now between the two of us, we’ve written and published two.

We remember saying, “someday we will speak on stage together, inspiring, raising awareness, and galvanizing fellow allies to join our cause of creating a better future for women in medicine!” – and now Tammie has given a viral TEDx talk reaching over 50K viewers, and we have spoken together countless times doing just this.

We remember saying, “someday we will go on a trip and do something special together for just the two of us, to celebrate what we have created!” even though we could barely afford to hire help let alone take a trip together in the early days, and now we are doing just this in celebration of our Pink Coat, MD four-year anniversary.

We remember saying, “someday we are going to make it possible for every woman physician to have access to her own coach, to support her on her career and life journey!” and this month we will be announcing this possibility for all our Pink Coat, MD women.

And our dreams each step of the way are only the beginning.

We smile when we think about what an incredible rush we were in until quite recently. We used to feel the pressure of the world on our shoulders, that we needed to find a solution NOW for women physicians— to save our collective careers in medicine. What we now understand is that we alone can’t “fix” the giant problems and inequities that continue to plague women in medicine today. We can, however, help and contribute to this cause, and serve others from where we are.

 “There are no great things. Only small things done with great love.” – Mother Teresa

This quote resonates deeply for us and gives us such peace, knowing that we will be doing this work for decades to come – for the rest of our lives – with great love. We will do our little bit of good where we are, and hopefully inspire others to join us in doing the same.

All our little bits of good together will bring about the change we seek. And we’re just getting started.

With all our love,

Tammie and Luisa

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