Dr. Tammie’s Book of the Month: Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet by Thich Nhat Hahn

Dr. Tammie’s March 2025 Book of the Month

Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet By Thich Nhat Hanh

The last two months have brought a level of chaos and uncertainty most of us likely have not experienced in our lifetimes. I met up recently with a few of my wellness leader colleagues, and we likened our current times to the beginning of the COVID pandemic when fear and uncertainty were pervasive – noting that our present times feel even more tumultuous and uncertain than even then.

I have found myself, as many of us have, grappling with how to make sense of the last two months. What I have personally struggled with most has been how to engage, and how not to engage, with all that is happening in our country, society and world. I have watched, observed, and wrestled with where to put my focus and energy. I’ve sensed the inner activist in me, the one who can’t not speak out and stand up when others without a voice can’t, is awakening. The fire in my belly is stirring. And at the same time, where should I direct her? And how?

I reconnected with a wise mentor, who understood my inner struggle. And she recommended this book, Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet, one of Thich Nhat Hahn’s last books published before his death in 2022.

I have read this book slowly and thoughtfully, over the last several weeks. And have been meditating daily on Thay’s teachings. How can we begin to save our planet, our country, our communities or our world when the problems facing us seem so overwhelming and insurmountable?

I have been reminded of many hard lessons I have learned over the last few years, too – that awakened action is not losing ourselves in our ideals or the work we are doing, the trap I have fallen into repeatedly, and paid for with my mental and personal health again and again.

Awakened action is not doing things for praise, fame, financial profit, or out of anger or fear – it can only be action out of love.

“The quality of action depends on the quality of being.”

What is your quality of being right now? How are you finding your center, your grounding, and your deep love, so that your actions, being and presence are guided by your true self, and not your anger or fear?

As Jack Kornfield, the author of A Path with Heart: A Guide Through the Perils and Promises of Spiritual Life, a book I come back to again and again, writes, “Our own steadiness can become a sanctuary for others.”

Right now, I am choosing to lean into my intuition and inner knowing, and to be a loving presence, everywhere I go, with everyone and everything I interact with and touch. My seeming non-action is my love in action. And when the time is right for this to transform, I will let my love and inner knowing lead the way.

For those of you who may be struggling as I have, I could not recommend this book more. For those of you for whom Thich Nhat Hahn’s work or Zen Buddhist meditation is new, another wonderful book is his No Mud, No Lotus: The Art of Transforming Suffering on how there can be no joy and light without difficulty and struggle — and also a worthwhile read.

With all my love my dear friends,




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